STEP THREE: Make Your Can’t-Miss List
>> What should I do while I’m here? <<
You made it to Step Three! Up until now, the steps have been pretty simple….but it’s time to dig into the nitty-gritty of trip planning.
Your task now is to decide what you want to see while you are in Zion. This will likely involve several hours of planning and research.
Or…if you’d like to bypass this step, you should take a look at this Zion Itinerary. I’ve already done all the hard work for you!
Now it’s time to get out your notes and laptop and get ready to research.

First, make a list of the things you absolutely don’t want to miss while you are in Zion.
These are the big points of interest that initially piqued your interest in taking a trip to the park.
You may find the official NPS website and the Dirt In My Shoes Ultimate Guide to Zion helpful for finding the can’t-miss spots.
If it’s your first time to Zion, this list will probably include places like Angels Landing, the Narrows, or the Emerald Pools.
This list might also include wildlife viewing spots, activities you’d like to take part in, or restaurants you’re dying to try depending on your own personal interests and priorities.
Second, make a list of things that would be nice to do or see if you’re able to fit them in.
Maybe you’d really like to hike off-the-beaten-path, but you’re not sure if you’ll be able to get to a few of the lesser-known trails. Put those lesser-known trails on this list.
Maybe you really want to hike all ten miles of the Narrows (the part that doesn’t require a permit!), but you’re not sure if you’ll actually have the time to complete the whole hike. Put that hike — all ten miles of it — in this list.
Third, use the lists you made to group the activities together by region.
Take a look at the Zion map and organize the things you want to do based on where they are located within the park.
For example, a few of the main regions in Zion are Zion Canyon and the East Side. Referring to this list of things you can’t miss, I’d lump Angels Landing, the Narrows, and the Emerald Pools into the Zion Canyon area. The East Side Area would include Checkerboard Mesa and the Canyon Overlook…..and so on.
It actually is possible to have a disastrous time in Zion, which is why this step is so important to complete. Zion is definitely not a place you just want to show up to without a good plan.
Don’t forget that I’ve already created a spectacular plan for you if you need some help completing this step.
It’s much easier to move forward with planning if you have a list of must-see’s organized together by region….and it sure will come in handy over the next two steps as we wrap up your Zion plan.
That’s it for Step Three! Now on to Step Four, where you’ll learn all about the entrances and towns that surround the park.
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